C# (CSharp) NugetForUnity Пространство имен


Имя Описание
DependencyTreeViewer A viewer for all of the packages and their dependencies currently installed in the project.
NugetConfigFile Represents a NuGet.config file that stores the NuGet settings. See here: https://docs.nuget.org/consume/nuget-config-file
NugetPackageSource Represents a NuGet Package Source (a "server").
NugetPreferences Handles the displaying, editing, and saving of the preferences for NuGet For Unity.
NugetWindow Represents the NuGet Package Manager Window in the Unity Editor.
NuspecFile Represents a .nuspec file used to store metadata for a NuGet package.
PackagesConfigFile Represents a package.config file that holds the NuGet package dependencies for the project.