C# (CSharp) Novell.Directory.Ldap.Events.Edir.EventData Пространство имен


Имя Описание
BaseEdirEventData This is the base class for all types of data classes associated with an event.
BinderyObjectEventData This class represents the data for Bindery Events.
ChangeAddressEventData This class represents the data for Change Address.
ConnectionStateEventData This class represents the data for Connection State Events.
DebugEventData This class represents the data for Debug Events.
DebugParameter This class represents the Debug Paramenter that is part of the DebugEventData.
EntryEventData The class represents the data for Entry Events.
GeneralDSEventData The class represents the data for General DS Events.
ModuleStateEventData This class represents the data for Module State Events.
NetworkAddressEventData This class represents the data for Network Address Events.
ReferralAddress This class represents the data for Address(IP/IPX/IPV6 etc) datastructure for Edir Events Notification.
SecurityEquivalenceEventData This class represents the data for Security Equivalence Events.
ValueEventData This class represents the data for Value Events.