C# (CSharp) Novell.Directory.Ldap.Events Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
BaseEventArgs This is the base class for other EventArgs representing exception and normal events.
DirectoryEventArgs This is the base class for other EventArgs corresponding to Ldap and Edir events.
DirectoryExceptionEventArgs This class gives the EventArgs for Directory exceptions.
LdapEventArgs This class represents the EventArgs for Ldap events in general. This is also the base class for more specific Ldap events.
LdapEventSource This is the base class for any EventSource.
LdapEventSource.EventsGenerator This is a nested class that is supposed to monitor LdapMessageQueue for events generated by the LDAP Server.
PSearchEventSource This is the source class for Ldap events.
SearchReferralEventArgs This class represents the EventArgs corresponding to LdapSearchResultReference notification sent by Ldap Server.
SearchResultEventArgs This class represents the EventArgs corresponding to LdapSearchResult notification sent by Ldap Server.