C# (CSharp) Nexus.UI.Controls Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AutoCompleteListEventArgs The event arguments for events that allow extending the code completion list.
AutosizeLabel A multiline label that resizes with the content.
AutosizeLabel.RichTextLabel A RichTextBox that is styled to behave like a label.
DetailsButton A button with an arrow that alternates between pointing up and down when clicked.
DoubleBufferedListView A normal ListView, but with double buffering enabled.
DropDownTabControlDesigner The designer that controls how the DropDownTabControl behaves and is designed.
DropDownTabPage A page in a DropDownTabControl.
DropDownTabPageCollectionEditor Handles the editing of the DropDownTabControl.TabPages collection is the designer.
FileSelectionDialog A file selection dialog that allows the selection of an item in a virtual file system.
FileSystemTreeView A tree view that allow browsing through a file system.
FileSystemTreeViewBase A tree view that allow browsing through a file system.
FontProvider.FontProviderTypeDescriptor Type descriptor used to hide any font properties when using a font information.
FontProvider.FontProviderTypeDescriptorProvider Type descriptor provider used to return the FontSetProviderTypeDescriptor type descriptor.
FormattedLabel A label that allows use of HTML, BBCode, or RTF to format the text.
HtmlLabel A label that allows use of HTML to format the text.
ImagePreviewBox Previews an image as a thumbnail.
ImageViewer Displays an image.
NodesChangedEventArgs An event arguments class that indicates that a node has changed.
PanelToolStripItem The object that can be added to PanelToolStrips.
PathLabel A label that runcates the displayed string as if it were a file system path.
RegeneratableAutoCompleteListEventArgs The event arguments for events that allow extending the code completion list, on regenerating the list on the next key press.
ReorderableListView A ListView that allows reordering of the list items.
ReorderedItemsEventArgs An event arguments class that describes items that have moved in a reorderable list view.
ReorderedItemsEventArgs.ReorderedListViewItem Describes an item that has moved.
ReorderingItemsEventArgs An event arguments class that describes items that are being moved in a reorderable list view.
SelectedDropDownTabPageConverter A converter for values passed the the DropDownTabControl.SelectedTabPage property.
SelectedVerticalTabPageConverter A converter for values passed the the VerticalTabControl.SelectedTabPage property.
SiteStatusProvider A provider that allows the display of a status at a site specified by the control upon which the status is being set.
StatusButton A button with a space for a status indicator next to it.
VerticalTabButton The PanelToolStripItem wrapper for the control used as tabs for the VerticalTabControl.
VerticalTabControlDesigner The designer that controls how the VerticalTabControl behaves and is designed.
VerticalTabPage A page in a VerticalTabControl.
VerticalTabPageCollectionEditor Handles the editing of the VerticalTabControl.TabPages collection is the designer.
VirtualFileSystemTreeView A tree view that represnts, and allow for the management of, a virtual file system.
WizardControlDesigner The designer that controls how the WizardControl behaves and is designed.
XmlCompletionData Describes a selection in a code completion dialog.
XmlCompletionProvider Provides the code completion selections for an XML base on a specified schema.
XmlEditor An XML text editor.
XmlFoldingStrategy Handles the folding of XML.
XmlFormattingStrategy Handles the smart indenting of XML.
XmlTreeNode A node in an XmlTreeView.
XmlTreeView A tree view that displays a representation of an XML file.