C# (CSharp) NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ApplyChangesToContextCommand ContextSettingsCommand applies specified changes to the TestExecutionContext prior to running a test. No special action is needed after the test runs, since the prior context will be restored automatically.
ExpectedExceptionCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class
MaxTimeCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class
SetUpTearDownCommand SetUpTearDownCommand runs any SetUp methods for a suite, runs the test and then runs any TearDown methods.
SetUpTearDownDecorator SetUpTearDownDecorator decorates a test command by running a setup method before the original command and a teardown method after it has executed.
SetUpTearDownItem SetUpTearDownItem holds the setup and teardown methods for a single level of the inheritance hierarchy.
SkipCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class
TestActionCommand TestActionCommand runs the BeforeTest actions for a test, then runs the test and finally runs the AfterTestActions.
TestMethodCommand TestMethodCommand is the lowest level concrete command used to run actual test cases.
TestSuiteCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class