C# (CSharp) NUnit.Extensions.Asp.AspTester Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AspControlTester Base class for testing all ASP.NET server controls. Extend this class if you're creating a tester for a custom control.
ButtonTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
CheckBoxTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox
CompareValidatorTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareValidator
ContainerMustBeRowException Exception: The container of the control being tested was a DataGridTester, but it should be a Row. Change "new MyTester("foo", datagrid)" to "new MyTester("foo", datagrid.getRow(rowNum))".
CustomValidatorTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.CustomValidator
DataGridTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid
DataGridTester.Row Tests a row within a data grid.
DropDownListTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList
ImageButtonTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton
LabelTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
LabeledControlTester Abstract base class for testing controls that have associated labels, like CheckBoxTester. You can probably ignore this class.
LinkButtonTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton
ListBoxTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox
ListControlTester Base class for list testers.
ListControlTester.IllegalInputException The index of the list was set to a value that doesn't correspond to a list item. Fix the test so that it sets the value correctly, or fix the production code so that it generates the correct number of list items.
ListControlTester.NoSelectionException The test asked a list what item was selected when no items were selected. Fix the test so that it doesn't ask the question, or fix the production code so that a list item is selected.
NamingContainerTester Base class for testing all ASP.NET server controls that have the "naming container" property set to "true." Use this class when you're creating a custom tester for a server control that is a naming container.
PanelTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel
RadioButtonTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.RadioButton
RangeValidatorTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.RangeValidator
RegularExpressionValidatorTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator
RepeaterTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater. Generally, you don't test through this tester. Instead, you use the Item method to use as a container for testing controls that are inside the repeater. The ItemCount method may also be useful. This example demonstrates how to test a button that's in the third item of a repeater: RepeaterTester repeater = new RepeaterTester("repeater"); ButtonTester button = new ButtonTester("button", repeater.Item(2));
RepeaterTester.ContainerMustBeItemException Exception: The container of the control being tested was a RepeaterTester, but it should be a RepeaterItemTester. Change "new MyTester("foo", repeater)" to "new MyTester("foo", repeater.Item(itemNum))". You may also use repeater.Header, repeater.Footer, or repeater.GetSeparator(separatorNum) as the container argument.
RepeaterTester.RepeaterFooterTester Tester for FooterTemplate. Use this tester as a container for other testers. This example demonstrates how to test a button that's in the FooterTemplate of a repeater: RepeaterTester repeater = new RepeaterTester("repeater"); ButtonTester button = new ButtonTester("button", repeater.Footer);
RepeaterTester.RepeaterHeaderTester Tester for HeaderTemplate. Use this tester as a container for other testers. This example demonstrates how to test a button that's in a repeater's HeaderTemplate: RepeaterTester repeater = new RepeaterTester("repeater"); ButtonTester button = new ButtonTester("button", repeater.Header);
RepeaterTester.RepeaterItemTester Tester for ItemTemplate and AlternatingItemTemplate, also known as System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItem. Use this tester as a container for other testers. This example demonstrates how to test a button that's in the third item of a repeater: RepeaterTester repeater = new RepeaterTester("repeater"); ButtonTester button = new ButtonTester("button", repeater.Item(2));
RepeaterTester.RepeaterSeparatorTester Tester for SeparatorTemplate. Use this tester as a container for other testers. This example demonstrates how to test a button that's in the second separator of a repeater: RepeaterTester repeater = new RepeaterTester("repeater"); ButtonTester button = new ButtonTester("button", repeater.Separator(1));
RepeaterTester.RepeaterTemplateTester Base class for all repeater template testers. This is an implementation detail and can be ignored.
RequiredFieldValidatorTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator
TextBoxTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
UserControlTester Tester for System.Web.UI.UserControl
UserControlTester.VisibilityException Exception: The test tried to check the visibility of a user control. There's no way to directly check user control visibility because they don't generate any HTML of their own. Change the test to check the visibility of a control inside the user control instead.
ValidationSummaryTester Tester for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidationSummary
ValidatorTester Base class for all validator testers.