C# (CSharp) NBench.PerformanceCounters.Collection Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CachedPerformanceCounterProxy Cached, reference counted implementation of IPerformanceCounterProxy
EmptyPerformanceCounterProxy Special case pattern - used when we can't find a IPerformanceCounterProxy inside the PerformanceCounterCache.
PerformanceCounterCache Used to warm up and cache PerformanceCounter instances
PerformanceCounterProxy Concrete implementation of IPerformanceCounterProxy that recreates the underlying PerformanceCounter on fault up to a maxmium limit. NOT THREAD SAFE.
PerformanceCounterSelector Factory that actually creates PerformanceCounter instances internally to correspond with each PerformanceCounterBenchmarkSetting
PerformanceCounterValueCollector A MetricCollector implementation that uses a PerformanceCounter internally to record various system metrics. Captures the RAW VALUE from performance counters.