C# (CSharp) Midi Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CallbackMessage Pseudo-MIDI message used to arrange for a callback at a certain time.
ChannelMessage Base class for messages relevant to a specific device channel.
ControlChangeMessage MidiControl change message.
DeviceMessage Base class for messages relevant to a specific device.
InputDevice A MIDI input device.
LongMsg Utility functions for encoding and decoding short messages.
Message Base class for all MIDI messages.
NoteMessage Base class for messages relevant to a specific note.
NoteOffMessage Note Off message.
NoteOnMessage Note On message.
NoteOnOffMessage A Note On message which schedules its own Note Off message when played.
OutputDevice A MIDI output device.
PercussionMessage Percussion message.
PitchBendMessage Pitch Bend message.
ProgramChangeMessage Program Change message.
Scale A scale based on a particular tonic.
ScalePattern Description of a scale's pattern as it ascends through an octave.
SysExMessage SysEx message
Win32API C# wrappers for the Win32 MIDI API.