C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Pccrr Пространство имен


Имя Описание
BLOCKRANGE A BLOCK_RANGE is an array of two integers that defines a consecutive array of blocks.
ClientHelper This class is used to provide internal function.
ContentInformationDataStructure Content Information is a variable size data structure. Content Information size is proportional to the length of the content it represents. Content Information starts with a single 2 byte WORD value representing the data structure version. Version 1.0 of the Content Information data structure is formatted as follows. All fields are in host byte order.
Helper This class is used to provide internal function.
Logger This class implements all methods of ILogPrinter.
PccrrBothRoleCaptureCode Capture the both client and server role requirements of MS-PCCRR.
PccrrClientAdapter This class is used to provide internal function of sending or receiving message on server.
PccrrServerAdapter This class is used to provide internal function of sending or receiving message on client.
SegmentContentBlocks The blocks field contains a number cSegments of SegmentContentBlocks fields. The Nth SegmentContentBlocks field corresponds to the Nth SegmentDescription and hence the Nth content segment. The SegmentContentBlocks field is formatted as follows.
SegmentDescription The segments field is composed of a number cSegments of SegmentDescription fields. Each SegmentDescription field corresponds to a content segment in the order in which they appear in the original content. Every segment except for the last segment must be exactly 32 MB in size. The content information data structure defines the content range as described below. Content range = {Start offset, Length}Start offset = ullOffsetInContent + dwOffsetInFirstSegment, where ullOffsetInContent is taken from the first SegmentDescription in the segments field.Length =( Sum of cbSegment of all segments in segments field except for the first segment and last segment) + (cbSegment of first segment – dwOffsetInFirstSegment) + dwReadBytesInLastSegmentThe content range extends to the end of all the segments whose SegmentDescriptions are included in the Content Information except for the last segment, for which the number of bytes is limited to dwReadBytesInLastSegment instead of the total number of bytes actually present in the segment.
SegmentInformation Content Information is a variable size data structure. Content Information size is proportional to the length of the content it represents. Content Information starts with a single 2 byte WORD value representing the data structure version. Version 1.0 of the Content Information data structure is formatted as follows. All fields are in host byte order.
_BLOCKRANGE A BLOCK_RANGE is an array of two integers that defines a consecutive array of blocks.