C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXNSPI Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AddressBookPropValueList The AddressBookPropValueList structure contains a list of properties and their value.
AddressBookPropertyRow The AddressBookPropertyRow structure contains a list of property values without including the property tags that correspond to the property values.
AddressBookRequestBodyBase A base class of request body for Address Book Server Endpoint.
AddressBookResponseBodyBase A base class of response body for Address Book Server Endpoint.
AndRestriction The AndRestriction class.
BindResponseBody A class indicates the response body of bind request
CompareMinIdsRequestBody A class indicates the CompareMIds request type.
Constants Constants used in MS-OXNSPI.
ContentRestriction The ContentRestriction class.
DNToMinIdRequestBody A class indicates the DNToMId request type.
DnToMinIdResponseBody A class indicates the response body of DNToMinId request
ExistRestriction The ExistRestriction class.
FlaggedPropertyValue PropertyValueNode with property's value and error code
FlaggedPropertyValueWithType PropertyValueNode with property's value, Type and flag
GetAddressBookUrlRequestBody A class indicates the GetAddressBookUrl request type.
GetAddressBookUrlResponseBody A class indicates the response body of GetMailboxUrl request
GetMatchesRequestBody A class indicates the GetMatches request type.
GetMatchesResponseBody A class indicates the response body of GetMatches request
GetPropListRequestBody A class indicates the GetPropList request type.
GetPropListResponseBody A class indicates the response body of GetPropList request
GetPropsRequestBody A class indicates the GetProps request type.
GetPropsResponseBody A class indicates the response body of GetProps request
GetSpecialTableRequestBody A class indicates the GetSpecialTable request type.
GetSpecialTableResponseBody A class indicates the response body of GetSpecialTable request
GetTemplateInfoRequestBody A class indicates the GetTemplateInfo request type.
GetTemplateInfoResponseBody A class indicates the response body of GetProps request
LargePropTagArray The LargePropTagArray structure contains a list of property tags.
MS_OXNSPIAdapter Server role and both role Adapter requirements capture code for MS-OXNSPI.
ModLinkAttRequestBody A class indicates the ModLinkAtt request type.
ModLinkAttResponseBody A class indicates the response body of ModLinkAtt request
ModPropsRequestBody A class indicates the ModProps request type.
ModPropsResponseBody A class indicates the response body of ModProps request
NotRestriction The NotRestriction class.
NspiMapiHttpAdapter The MapiHttpAdapter class contains the MAPIHTTP implements for the interfaces of IMS_OXNSPIAdapter.
OrRestriction The OrRestriction class.
OxnspiInterop Class OxnspiInterop exposes the methods of the unmanaged library by importing the DLL RPC_RuntimeDllName.
PropertyRestriction The PropertyRestriction class.
PropertyValue This define the base class for a property value node
QueryColumnsResponseBody A class indicates the response body of QueryColumns request
QueryRowsRequestBody A class indicates the QueryRows request type.
QueryRowsResponseBody A class indicates the response body of QueryRows request
ResolveNamesResponseBody A class indicates the response body of ResolveNames request
ResortRestrictionRequestBody A class indicates the ResortRestriction request type.
ResortRestrictionResponseBody A class indicates the response body of ResortRestriction request
Restriction Base class of Restriction
SeekEntriesRequestBody A class indicates the SeekEntries request type.
SeekEntriesResponseBody A class indicates the response body of SeekEntries request
UnbindRequestBody A class indicates the Unbind request type.
UnbindResponseBody A class indicates the response body of unbind request
UpdateStatRequestBody A class indicates the UpdateStat request type.
UpdateStatResponseBody A class indicates the response body of Update STAT request