Имя |
Описание |
CopyIntoItemsCompletedEventArgs |
CopyIntoItemsLocalCompletedEventArgs |
CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse |
A class used to store the response data of "CopyIntoItemsLocal" operation. |
CopyIntoItemsResponse |
A class used to store the response data of "CopyIntoItems" operation. |
CopyResult |
CopySoap |
FieldInformation |
GetItemCompletedEventArgs |
GetItemResponse |
A class used to store the response data of "GetItem" operation. |
MS_COPYSAdapter |
The partial class of adapter of MS-COPYS, it implements the adapter capture code. |
MS_COPYSSUTControlAdapter |
The implementation of the SUT control managed code adapter interface. |
S02_CopyIntoItemsLocal |
SoapFaultDetailSchemaHelper |
This class is used to process the schema validation for the SOAP fault of detail element. |
TestSuiteBase |
TestSuiteManageHelper |
This class used to support required functions for test class initialization and clean up. |