C# (CSharp) Microsoft.ProjectOxford.SpeakerRecognition.Contract Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
CreateProfileException A class encapsulating an exception raised during profile creation
DeleteProfileException A class encapsulating an exception raised during profile deletion
EnrollmentBase A class encapsulating a speaker enrollment for verification/identification
EnrollmentException A class encapsulating an exception raised during speaker enrollment
ErrorMessage An object encapsulating an error message
ErrorResponse A class encapsulating the error response
GetProfileException A class encapsulating an exception raised during profile(s) retrieval
ProfileBase A class encapsulating the response returned by the service on creating or retrieving a speaker profile
ProfileException A class encapsulating an exception raised while performing an action on a profile
ResetEnrollmentsException A class encapsulating an exception raised while resetting enrollments for a profile