C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Regions Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AllActiveRegion Region that keeps all the views in it as active. Deactivation of views is not allowed.
ItemMetadata Defines a class that wraps an item and adds metadata for it.
NavigationAsyncExtensions Provides additional methods to the INavigateAsync interface.
Region Implementation of IRegion that allows multiple active views.
RegionAdapterMappings This class maps Type with IRegionAdapter.
RegionBehavior Provides a base class for region's behaviors.
RegionContext Class that holds methods to Set and Get the RegionContext from a DependencyObject. RegionContext allows sharing of contextual information between the view that's hosting a IRegion and any views that are inside the Region.
RegionManager This class is responsible for maintaining a collection of regions and attaching regions to controls.
RegionManagerExtensions Class that creates a fluent interface for the IRegionManager class, with respect to adding views to regions (View Injection pattern), registering view types to regions (View Discovery pattern)
RegionNavigationContentLoader Implementation of IRegionNavigationContentLoader that relies on a IServiceLocator to create new views when necessary.
RegionNavigationEventArgs EventArgs used with the Navigated event.
RegionNavigationService Provides navigation for regions.
RegionViewRegistry Defines a registry for the content of the regions used on View Discovery composition.