C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Utility Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AzureLogger Provides methods to log exceptions in Azure table storage.
DocumentSettings This file is used for getting the document configuration information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used when getting the document information from SPO
ErrorSettings This file is used for getting all the error messages that are used in matter center from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used where ever exceptions messages needs to be set
GeneralSettings This file is used for getting the general configuration information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used for authorizing to spo and storing data into redis cache
MailMessageParser Stores all MIME decoded information of a received email. One email might consist of several MIME entities, which have a very similar structure to an email. A RxMailMessage can be a top most level email or a MIME entity the emails contains. According to various RFCs, MIME entities can contain other MIME entities recursively. However, they usually need to be mapped to alternative views and attachments, which are non recursive. MailMessageParser inherits from System.Net.MailMessage, but provides additional receiving related information.
MailMimeReader Reads MIME based emails streams and files.
MailSettings This file is used for getting the mail configuration information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used when uploading email and email attachments
MatterSettings This file is used for getting the matter configuration information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used when getting the matter information from SPO
QuotedPrintable The QuotedPrintable class encodes and decodes strings and files that either were encoded or need encoded in the Quoted-Printable MIME encoding for Internet mail. The encoding methods of the class use pointers wherever possible to guarantee the fastest possible encoding times for any size file or string. The decoding methods use only the .NET framework classes.
SPOAuthorization This class is used for reading authorization token which has been sent by the client.This class will validate the client token, get the token for the service from Azure Active Directory and pass the service token to sharepoint
SearchSettings This file is used for getting the search configuration information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used when getting the matter information from SPO
ServiceConstants All the constants that are used in matter center will be defined here
ServiceConstants.MailAttributes The mail attributes
SharedSettings This file is used for getting the shared settings information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently at multiple places
TaxonomySettings This file is used for getting the taxonomy configuration information from the appSettings.json file These properties will subsequently used when getting the taxonomy information from SPO