C# (CSharp) MediaPortal.GUI.Library Пространство имен


Имя Описание
GUIActionGroup Summary description for GUIExpandingGroup.
GUIButton3PartControl The class implementing a button which consists of 3 parts a left part, a middle part and a right part These are presented as [ Left Middle Right ] Each part has 2 images, 1 for the normal state and 1 for the focused state Further the button can have an image (icon) which can be positioned
GUIButtonControl The class implementing a GUIButton.
GUIControl Base class for GUIControls.
GUIFontManager The class responsible for keeping track of the used fonts.
GUIGraphicsContext Singleton class which holds all GFX related settings
GUIGraphicsContext.FinalTransformBucket This internal class contains the information needed to place the final transform on a stack. PushMatrix() and PopMatrix() manage the stack.
GUIGroup A class which implements a group A group can hold 1 or more controls and apply an animation to the entire group
GUIImage A GUIControl for displaying Images.
GUILabelControl A GUIControl for displaying text.
GUIListControl The implementation of a GUIListControl
GUIListItem An implementation of an item that is part of a collection. (E.g, a GUIThumbnailPanel).
GUIMessage The class containing the datastructure of the GUIMessages that are sent between windows and components.
GUIPropertyManager Implments a property manager for the GUI lib. Keeps track of the properties of the currently playing item. like playtime, current position, artist,title of the song/video,...
GUIVideoControl This class will draw a placeholder for the current video window if no video is playing it will present an empty rectangle
GUIWindow base class for every window. It contains all methods needed for basic window management like - initialization - deitialization - render itself onscreen - processing actions like keypresses, mouse clicks/movements - processing messages Each window plugin should derive from this base class Pluginwindows should be copied in the plugins/windows folder
GUIWindowManager static class which takes care of window management Things done are: - loading and initializing all windows - routing messages, key presses, mouse clicks etc to the currently active window - rendering the currently active window - methods for switching to the previous window - methods to switch to another window