C# (CSharp) MapAround.CoordinateSystems Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AngularUnit Represents an angular unit of measurement.
AxisInfo Represents the coordinate axis information. This is used to label axes, and indicate the orientation.
CoordinateSystem Base class for coordinate system classes.
CoordinateSystemFactory Builds up complex coordinate system objects from simplier objects or values.
Datum Represents a datum. Datum is a set of quantities from which other quantities are calculated.
Ellipsoid Represents an ellipsoid.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the center of the Earth.
GeographicCoordinateSystem A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
HorizontalCoordinateSystem A 2D coordinate system suitable for positions on the Earth's surface.
HorizontalDatum Represents a horizontal datum.
LinearUnit Represents a linear unit of measurement.
PrimeMeridian Represents a meridian used to take longitude measurements from.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem Represents a 2D cartographic coordinate system.
SpatialReferenceInfo Implements the IInfo interface. Defines the standard information stored with spatial reference objects.
Unit Represents units of measurement.