C# (CSharp) MBC.App.WPF Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
FieldControl The FieldControl class is a WPF control that graphically displays the state of a Field object. The FieldControl must be given the IBattleshipController index that is being displayed on this Field. Usage of this class is simple by utilizing three class members: SetController(int) - Sets the controller index in a Field. SetField(Field) - Sets the Field to display. UpdateFieldDisplay() - Updates the FieldControl to display the Field's current state.
MainWindow The AppWPF application uses the MainWindow to provide controls and display information to the user graphically.
MainWindow.EventEntry Provides information to the WPF ListView control that displays the current round's RoundLog.
MainWindow.RoundEntry Contained within a matchup, identifies a round by number and victor.