Имя | Описание |
CombineSuggestion | A suggestion generated by combining one or more original query terms |
HighFrequencyDictionary | HighFrequencyDictionary: terms taken from the given field of a Lucene index, which appear in a number of documents above a given threshold. Threshold is a value in [0..1] representing the minimum number of documents (of the total) where a term should appear. Based on LuceneDictionary. |
HighFrequencyDictionary.HighFrequencyIterator | |
JaroWinklerDistance | Similarity measure for short strings such as person names.
LevensteinDistance | Levenstein edit distance class. |
NGramDistance | N-Gram version of edit distance based on paper by Grzegorz Kondrak, "N-gram similarity and distance". Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2005), pp. 115-126, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2005. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~kondrak/papers/spire05.pdf This implementation uses the position-based optimization to compute partial matches of n-gram sub-strings and adds a null-character prefix of size n-1 so that the first character is contained in the same number of n-grams as a middle character. Null-character prefix matches are discounted so that strings with no matching characters will return a distance of 0. |
PlainTextDictionary | Dictionary represented by a text file. |
PlainTextDictionary.FileIterator | |
SuggestWord | SuggestWord, used in suggestSimilar method in SpellChecker class. Default sort is first by score, then by frequency. |
TermFreqIteratorWrapper | Wraps a BytesRefIterator as a TermFreqIterator, with all weights set to 1 |
TestDirectSpellChecker | |
TestJaroWinklerDistance | |
TestLuceneDictionary | Test case for LuceneDictionary. It first creates a simple index and then a couple of instances of LuceneDictionary on different fields and checks if all the right text comes back. |
TestNGramDistance | |
TestPlainTextDictionary | |
TestWordBreakSpellChecker |