Имя | Описание |
DirectDocValuesProducer | Reader for DirectDocValuesFormat |
DirectDocValuesProducer.BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.BinaryEntry | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.FSTEntry | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.NumericDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.NumericDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2 | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.NumericDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper3 | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.NumericDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper4 | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.NumericEntry | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.RandomAccessOrdsAnonymousInnerClassHelper | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.SortedDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.SortedEntry | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.SortedSetEntry | |
DirectDocValuesProducer.SortedSetRawValues | |
DirectPostingsFormat | Wraps Lucene41PostingsFormat format for on-disk storage, but then at read time loads and stores all terms & postings directly in RAM as byte[], int[]. WARNING: This is exceptionally RAM intensive: it makes no effort to compress the postings data, storing terms as separate byte[] and postings as separate int[], but as a result it gives substantial increase in search performance. This postings format supports TermsEnum#ord and TermsEnum#seekExact(long). Because this holds all term bytes as a single byte[], you cannot have more than 2.1GB worth of term bytes in a single segment. @lucene.experimental |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.DirectIntersectTermsEnum | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.DirectIntersectTermsEnum.State | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.DirectTermsEnum | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.HighFreqTerm | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.IntArrayWriter | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.LowFreqTerm | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectField.TermAndSkip | |
DirectPostingsFormat.DirectFields | |
DirectPostingsFormat.HighFreqDocsAndPositionsEnum | |
DirectPostingsFormat.HighFreqDocsEnum | |
DirectPostingsFormat.LowFreqDocsAndPositionsEnum | |
DirectPostingsFormat.LowFreqDocsEnum | |
DirectPostingsFormat.LowFreqDocsEnumNoPos | |
DirectPostingsFormat.LowFreqDocsEnumNoTF | |
FSTOrdTermsWriter | FST-based term dict, using ord as FST output. The FST holds the mapping between <term, ord>, and term's metadata is delta encoded into a single byte block. Typically the byte block consists of four parts: 1. term statistics: docFreq, totalTermFreq; 2. monotonic long[], e.g. the pointer to the postings list for that term; 3. generic byte[], e.g. other information customized by postings base. 4. single-level skip list to speed up metadata decoding by ord. Files:
Term IndexThe .tix contains a list of FSTs, one for each field. The FST maps a term to its corresponding order in current field.
Term BlockThe .tbk contains all the statistics and metadata for terms, along with field summary (e.g. per-field data like number of documents in current field). For each field, there are four blocks:
File Format:
FSTOrdTermsWriter.FieldMetaData | |
FSTOrdTermsWriter.TermsWriter | |
FSTTermsWriter | FST-based term dict, using metadata as FST output. The FST directly holds the mapping between <term, metadata>. Term metadata consists of three parts: 1. term statistics: docFreq, totalTermFreq; 2. monotonic long[], e.g. the pointer to the postings list for that term; 3. generic byte[], e.g. other information need by postings reader. File:
Term DictionaryThe .tst contains a list of FSTs, one for each field. The FST maps a term to its corresponding statistics (e.g. docfreq) and metadata (e.g. information for postings list reader like file pointer to postings list). Typically the metadata is separated into two parts:
FSTTermsWriter.FieldMetaData | |
FSTTermsWriter.TermsWriter | |
MemoryPostingsFormat | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.FSTDocsAndPositionsEnum | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.FSTDocsEnum | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.FSTTermsEnum | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.FieldsConsumerAnonymousInnerClassHelper | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.FieldsProducerAnonymousInnerClassHelper | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.TermsReader | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.TermsWriter | |
MemoryPostingsFormat.TermsWriter.PostingsWriter | |
TestDirectDocValuesFormat | Tests DirectDocValuesFormat |
TestFSTPulsing41PostingsFormat | Tests FSTPulsing41PostingsFormat |
TestMemoryPostingsFormat | Tests MemoryPostingsFormat |