C# (CSharp) KellermanSoftware.CompareNetObjects.TypeComparers Пространство имен


Имя Описание
BaseComparer Common functionality for all Comparers
BaseTypeComparer Common functionality for all Type Comparers
ByteArrayComparer Compare two byte arrays
ClassComparer Compare two objects of type class
DataRowComparer Compare all columns in a data row
DataTableComparer Compare all rows in a data table
DatasetComparer Compare all tables and all rows in all tables
DateComparer Compare dates with the option to ignore based on milliseconds
DateTimeOffSetComparer Compare DateTimeOffsets with the ability to ignore millisecond differences
DictionaryComparer Logic to compare two dictionaries
DoubleComparer Compare Double values with the ability to specify the precision
EnumComparer Logic to compare to enum values
EnumerableComparer Logic to compare two LINQ enumerators
FieldComparer Compare all the fields of a class or struct (Note this derrives from BaseComparer, not TypeComparer)
FontComparer Class FontDescriptorComparer.
HashSetComparer Logic to compare two hash sets
IndexerComparer Logic to compare an integer indexer (Note, inherits from BaseComparer, not TypeComparer)
IpEndPointComparer Logic to compare two IP End Points
ListComparer Compare objects that implement IList
PointerComparer Logic to compare to pointers
PropertyComparer Compare two properties (Note inherits from BaseComparer instead of TypeComparer
RuntimeTypeComparer Logic to compare two runtime types
SimpleTypeComparer Compare primitive types (long, int, short, byte etc.) and DateTime, decimal, and Guid
StringComparer Compare two strings
StructComparer Compare two structs
TimespanComparer Logic to compare two timespans
UriComparer Compare two URIs