Имя |
Описание |
Clipboard |
Gets and sets information from the clipboard object. |
Clipboard.NativeMethods |
DataPackage |
Contains the data that a user wants to exchange with another app. |
DataPackagePropertySet |
Defines a set of properties to use with a DataPackage object. |
DataPackagePropertySetView |
Gets the set of properties of a DataPackageView object. |
DataPackageView |
A read-only version of a DataPackage. Apps that receive shared content get this object when acquiring content. |
DataProviderRequest |
An object of this type is passed to the DataProviderHandler delegate. |
DataRequest |
Lets your app supply the content the user wants to share or specify a message, if an error occurs. |
DataRequestedEventArgs |
Contains information about the DataRequested event. The system fires this event when the user invokes the Share UI. |
DataTransferManager |
Programmatically initiates an exchange of content with other apps. |
StandardDataFormats |
Contains static properties that return string values. Each string corresponds to a known format ID. Use this class to avoid errors in using string constants to specify data formats. |
TargetApplicationChosenEventArgs |
Contains information about the target app the user chose to share content with. To get this object, you must handle the TargetApplicationChosen event. |