C# (CSharp) InTheHand.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer Пространство имен


Имя Описание
Clipboard Gets and sets information from the clipboard object.
DataPackage Contains the data that a user wants to exchange with another app.
DataPackagePropertySet Defines a set of properties to use with a DataPackage object.
DataPackagePropertySetView Gets the set of properties of a DataPackageView object.
DataPackageView A read-only version of a DataPackage. Apps that receive shared content get this object when acquiring content.
DataProviderRequest An object of this type is passed to the DataProviderHandler delegate.
DataRequest Lets your app supply the content the user wants to share or specify a message, if an error occurs.
DataRequestedEventArgs Contains information about the DataRequested event. The system fires this event when the user invokes the Share UI.
DataTransferManager Programmatically initiates an exchange of content with other apps.
StandardDataFormats Contains static properties that return string values. Each string corresponds to a known format ID. Use this class to avoid errors in using string constants to specify data formats.
TargetApplicationChosenEventArgs Contains information about the target app the user chose to share content with. To get this object, you must handle the TargetApplicationChosen event.