C# (CSharp) IQ Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
ExpressionComparer Compare two expressions to determine if they are equivalent
ExpressionReplacer Replaces references to one specific instance of an expression node with another node
ExpressionWriter Writes out an expression tree in a C#-ish syntax
PartialEvaluator Rewrites an expression tree so that locally isolatable sub-expressions are evaluated and converted into ConstantExpression nodes.
PartialEvaluator.Nominator Performs bottom-up analysis to determine which nodes can possibly be part of an evaluated sub-tree.
PartialEvaluator.SubtreeEvaluator Evaluates & replaces sub-trees when first candidate is reached (top-down)
RootQueryableFinder Finds the first sub-expression that accesses a Query object
TypeHelper Type related helper methods