C# (CSharp) HandCoded.Meta Пространство имен


Имя Описание
Conversion A Conversion instance encapsulates the knowledge of how to transform an XML document from one Release of a Specification to another.
ConversionException Summary description for ConversionException.
DTDRelease A DTDRelease instance contains a meta-description of an XML Specification represented by an XML DTD.
DefaultDTDReleaseLoader An instance of the DefaultDTDReleaseLoader class will extract the description of a DTD based grammar from the bootstrap data file and construct a DTDRelease to hold it.
DefaultInstanceInitialiser The DefaultInstanceInitialiser class performs the population of attributes and values on the root element of a new document.
DefaultSchemaRecogniser An instance implementing the SchemaRecognise interface is used to compare an XmlDocument to a SchemaRelease to see if it could be an instance of it.
DefaultSchemaReleaseLoader An instance of the DefaultSchemaReleaseLoader class will extract the description of an XML Schema based grammar from the bootstrap data file and construct a SchemaRelease to hold it.
DirectConversion The DirectConversion class describes a transformation implemented by a derived class.
IndirectConversion The IndirectConversion is used to chain multiple transformations together to create a multi-stage transformation. IndirectConversion instances are created during the search process to find a conversion path between two releases.
InstanceInitialiser An instance of the InstanceInitialiser class is used to initialise new schema based XmlDocument instances.
Release A Release represents an identifiable version of a Specification.
SchemaRecogniser An instance implementing the SchemaRecognise interface is used to compare an XmlDocument to a SchemaRelease to see if it could be an instance of it.
SchemaRelease The SchemaRelease class adds support for the ISchema interface to the base Release class.
Specification Instances of the Specification class represent XML based data models such as those for the standards FpML and FixML.