C# (CSharp) HaloMap.Render Пространство имен


Имя Описание
Camera2 The camera 2.
FrameHierarchy The frame hierarchy.
FrameInfo The frame info.
HaloBSPVertex The halo bsp vertex.
HaloVertex The halo vertex.
Renderer The renderer.
SpawnInfo The spawn info.
SpawnInfo.AI_Squads AI squads.
SpawnInfo.BaseSpawn The base spawn.
SpawnInfo.BipedSpawn The biped spawn.
SpawnInfo.BoundingBoxSpawn The bounding box spawn.
SpawnInfo.CameraSpawn The camera spawn.
SpawnInfo.Collection The Collection Spawn / Netgame Equipment
SpawnInfo.ControlSpawn The control spawn.
SpawnInfo.DeathZone Trigger Volumes / Death Zones
SpawnInfo.EquipmentSpawn The equipment spawn.
SpawnInfo.H1Collection The h 1 collection.
SpawnInfo.LightSpawn The light spawn.
SpawnInfo.MachineSpawn The machine spawn.
SpawnInfo.ObjectiveSpawn The Objective / Netgame Flags Spawn.
SpawnInfo.ObstacleSpawn The Obstacle / Crates spawn.
SpawnInfo.PlayerSpawn The player spawn.
SpawnInfo.RotateDirectionBaseSpawn The rotate direction base spawn.
SpawnInfo.RotateYawPitchRollBaseSpawn The rotate yaw pitch roll base spawn.
SpawnInfo.RotationSpawn The rotation spawn.
SpawnInfo.ScaleRotateYawPitchRollSpawn The scale rotate yaw pitch roll spawn.
SpawnInfo.ScenerySpawn The scenery spawn.
SpawnInfo.SoundSpawn The sound spawn.
SpawnInfo.SpawnZone Spawning Zones
SpawnInfo.SpecialSpawn The special spawn (Unused?).
SpawnInfo.VehicleSpawn The vehicle spawn.
SpawnInfo.WeaponSpawn The weapon spawn.
SpawnLoads The spawn loads.
SpawnLoads.BaseInfo The base info.
SpawnLoads.CollectionInfo The collection info.
SpawnLoads.Hills The hills.
SpawnLoads.SceneryInfo The scenery info.