C# (CSharp) GrayIris.Utilities.UI.Controls Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
NewTabEventArgs A class to contain the information regarding the YaTabControl.NewTab event.
OvalTabDrawer The OvalTabDrawer draws ovals for tabs.
TabClosingEventArgs A class to contain the information regarding the YaTabControl.TabClosing event.
VsTabDrawer Provides drawing capabilities that mimic the Visual Studio tabs.
XlTabDrawer The XlTabDrawer draws tabs similar to those found in Microsoft Excel.
YaTabControl.ControlCollection A YaTabControl-specific Control.ControlCollection.
YaTabControl.ScrollerThread Let's the tabs scroll.
YaTabDrawerBase Describes the contract for classes that can draw the tabs for a YaTabControl.