C# (CSharp) GraphSample.CustomControls Пространство имен


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Graph NOTE FROM THE DEVELOPER: This is a custom control designed for Windows Phone 7 to provide a chart that accepts custom user data and allows the user of the graph to scale and translate the graph along it's X-Axis. Various design decisions were made along the way that focused on performance, as such I implemented, and later abandoned scaling along the Y-Axis. Partly because I was seeking smoother touch feedback and partly because it was difficult to control and did not add a lot of value for my application (a stock price chart). This was my very first attempt at Silverlight, and one of my first trips to the UI as I am primarily a backend developer. Because I am unfortunately not a great designer, I likely did a few hackish things in code that should have been done in the XAML. There may also be internal properties that you would like exposed to the XAML which I kept as public member variables as I am more comfortable in C# than XAML. Finally, I did not intend to release this publicly and various functions could use refactoring - some are very long like CreateGraph() and should be broken up. Along the same lines, some functions perform several tasks and you will probably also hate me for various variable names :). I sprinkled comments throughout the code to help you along, and performed a bit of refactoring before making this publicly available. Now, I want to move on to other projects, but also share this component with the community. If I come across bugs or improve functionality in this control for my own applications, I will update the source online and pass these on to you. Hopefully you can get some value from it in its current state, or modified for your own applications. Happy coding! You can see this control in use in two of my applications already on the WP7 marketplace: "Stock Portfolio" and "Car Log." Please contact me at [email protected] for bugs, comments or inquiries. You can find additional details at www.bryanalger.com/projects -Bryan Alger 4/24/2011
PointF Use a simple Point struct since Silverlight blows up when you operate on the internal Point class outside of the Drawing thread.