C# (CSharp) Google.Api.Gax Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
Expiration Expiration specified by relative timeout or absolute deadline.
PathTemplate Represents a path template used for resource names which may be composed of multiple IDs.
PathTemplate.Segment A segment of a path.
PollSettings Settings controlling repeated polling, for example when waiting for a long-running operation to complete.
ResourceMismatchException Exception used to indicate that an attempt was made to get or create a resource, and the retrieved resource did not match the expected constraints.
ResourceName Class for representing and working with resource names.
ScopedCredentialProvider Simple factory of scoped credentials, which caches a scoped version of the default application credentials to avoid repeated authentication.
SystemClock A singleton implementation of IClock which delegates to the BCL DateTime.UtcNow property.
SystemScheduler Singleton implementation of IScheduler which uses Task.Delay(TimeSpan) and Task.Run(Action) internally.