C# (CSharp) Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Examples.CSharp.v201306 Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AddAdGroupBidModifier This code example illustrates how to add ad group level mobile bid modifier override. Tags: AdGroupBidModifierService.mutate
AddAdGroupDemographicCriteria This code example adds demographic target criteria to an ad group. To get ad groups, run AddAdGroup.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
AddAdGroups This code example illustrates how to create ad groups. To create campaigns, run AddCampaigns.cs. Tags: AdGroupService.mutate
AddAudience This code example illustrates how to create a user list a.k.a. audience. Tags: UserListService.mutate
AddCampaignTargetingCriteria This code example adds various types of targeting criteria to a campaign. To get a list of campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignCriterionService.mutate
AddCampaigns This code example adds campaigns. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignService.mutate
AddClickToDownloadAd This code example creates a click-to-download ad, also known as an app promotion ad to a given ad group. To list ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
AddConversionTracker This code example adds an AdWords conversion tracker. Tags: ConversionTrackerService.mutate
AddExperiment This code example creates an experiment using a query percentage of 10, which defines what fraction of auctions should go to the control split (90%) vs. the experiment split (10%), then adds experimental bid changes for criteria and ad groups. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. To get criteria, run GetKeywords.cs. Tags: ExperimentService.mutate
AddKeywords This code example adds a keyword to an ad group. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
AddKeywordsInBulk This code example shows how to add keywords in bulk using the MutateJobService. Tags: MutateJobService.mutate, MutateJobService.get Tags: MutateJobService.getResult
AddLegacySiteLinks This code example shows how to add site links to an existing campaign. To create a campaign, run AddCampaign.cs. Tags: CampaignAdExtensionService.mutate
AddLocationExtension This code example shows how to add a location extension to an existing campaign. To create a campaign, run AddCampaign.cs. Tags: GeoLocationService.get, CampaignAdExtensionService.mutate
AddLocationExtensionOverride This code example illustrates how to override a location extension. To create an ad, run AddTextAds.cs. To create a location extension, run AddLocationExtension.cs. Tags: GeoLocationService.get, AdExtensionOverrideService.mutate
AddPlacements This code example adds placements to an ad group. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
AddPlacementsInBulk This code example shows how to add placements in bulk using the MutateJobService. Tags: MutateJobService.mutate, MutateJobService.get Tags: MutateJobService.getResult
AddSiteLinks This code example adds a sitelinks feed and associates it with a campaign. To create a campaign, run AddCampaign.cs. Tags: CampaignFeedService.mutate, FeedService.mutate, FeedItemService.mutate, Tags: FeedMappingService.mutate
AddTextAds This code example adds text ads to a given ad group. To list ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. To learn how to handle policy violations and add exemption requests, see HandlePolicyViolationError.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
AddThirdPartyRedirectAds This code example adds third party redirect ads to an ad group. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
CreateAccount This code example illustrates how to create an account. Note by default, this account will only be accessible via parent MCC. This code example won't work with Test Accounts. See https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/test-accounts Tags: ManagedCustomerService.mutate
DeleteAd This code example deletes an ad using the 'REMOVE' operator. To list ads, run GetTextAds.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
DeleteAdGroup This code example deletes an ad group by setting the status to 'DELETED'. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. Tags: AdGroupService.mutate
DeleteCampaign This code example deletes a campaign by setting the status to 'DELETED'. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignService.mutate
DeleteKeyword This code example deletes a keyword using the 'REMOVE' operator. To get keywords, run GetKeywords.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
DeleteLegacySitelinks This code example shows how to delete site links from an existing campaign. To add site links to an existing campaign, run AddSiteLinks.cs. To get existing campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignAdExtensionService.mutate
DeletePlacement This code example deletes a placement using the 'REMOVE' operator. To get placements, run GetPlacements.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
DownloadCriteriaReport This code example gets and downloads a criteria Ad Hoc report from an XML report definition.
DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql This code example gets and downloads a criteria Ad Hoc report from an AWQL query. See https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/awql for AWQL documentation.
EstimateKeywordTraffic This code example gets keyword traffic estimates. Tags: TrafficEstimatorService.get
GetAccountAlerts This code example gets all alerts for all clients of an MCC account. The effective user (ClientCustomerId or AuthToken) must be an MCC user to get results. This code example won't work with Test Accounts. See https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/test-accounts Tags: AlertService.get
GetAccountChanges This code example gets the changes in the account during the last 24 hours. Tags: CustomerSyncService.get
GetAccountHierarchy This code example illustrates how to retrieve the account hierarchy under an account. This code example won't work with Test Accounts. See https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/test-accounts Tags: ManagedCustomerService.get
GetAdGroupBidModifiers This code example illustrates how to retrieve ad group level mobile bid modifiers for a campaign. Tags: AdGroupBidModifierService.get
GetAdGroupBidSimulations This code example gets bid landscapes for an ad group. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. Tags: DataService.getAdGroupBidLandscape
GetAdGroups This code example illustrates how to retrieve all the ad groups for a campaign. To create an ad group, run AddAdGroup.cs. Tags: AdGroupService.get
GetAllDisapprovedAds This code example retrieves all the disapproved ads in a given campaign. Tags: AdGroupAdService.get
GetAllDisapprovedAdsWithAwql This code example retrieves all the disapproved ads in a given campaign using AWQL. See https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/awql for AWQL documentation. Tags: AdGroupAdService.get
GetAllVideosAndImages This code example gets all videos and images. To upload video, see http://adwords.google.com/support/aw/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=39454. To upload image, run UploadImage.cs. Tags: MediaService.get
GetCampaignStats This code example gets various statistics for campaigns that received at least one impression during the last week. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignService.get
GetCampaignTargetingCriteria This code example gets all targeting criteria for a campaign. To set campaign targeting criteria, run AddCampaignTargetingCriteria.cs. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignCriterionService.get
GetCampaigns This code example lists all campaigns. To add a campaign, run AddCampaign.cs. Tags: CampaignService.get
GetCampaignsWithAwql This code example lists all campaigns using an AWQL query. See https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/awql for AWQL documentation. To add a campaign, run AddCampaign.cs. Tags: CampaignService.get
GetKeywordBidSimulations This code example gets a bid landscape for an ad group and a keyword. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.cs. To get keywords, run GetKeywords.cs. Tags: DataService.getCriterionBidLandscape
GetKeywordIdeas This code example retrieves keywords that are related to a given keyword. Tags: TargetingIdeaService.get
GetKeywords This code example gets all keywords in an account. To add keywords, run AddKeywords.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.get
GetPlacementIdeas This code example retrieves urls that have content keywords related to a given website. Tags: TargetingIdeaService.get
GetPlacements This code example gets all placements in an account. To add placements, run AddPlacements.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.get
GetReportFields This code example gets report fields. Tags: ReportDefinitionService.getReportFields
GetTargetableLanguagesAndCarriers This code example illustrates how to retrieve all carriers and languages available for targeting. Tags: ConstantDataService.getCarrierCriterion Tags: ConstantDataService.getLanguageCriterion
GetTextAds This code example retrieves all text ads given an existing ad group. To add text ads to an existing ad group, run AddTextAds.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.get
GetThirdPartyRedirectAds This code example retrieves all third party redirect ads given an existing ad group. To add third party redirect ads to an existing ad group, run AddThirdPartyRedirectAd.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.get
HandlePartialFailures This code example demonstrates how to handle partial failures. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
HandlePolicyViolationError This code example adds a text ad, and shows how to handle a policy violation. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
HandleRateExceededError This code example shows how to handle RateExceededError in your application. To trigger the rate exceeded error, this code example runs 100 threads in parallel, each thread attempting to validate 100 keywords in a single request. Note that spawning 100 parallel threads is for illustrative purposes only, you shouldn't do this in your application. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
HandleRateExceededError.KeywordThread Thread class for validating keywords.
HandleTwoFactorAuthorizationError This code example illustrates how to handle 2 factor authorization errors. Tags: CampaignService.get
LookupLocation This code example gets location criteria by name. Tags: LocationCriterionService.get
PauseAd This code example pauses a given ad. To list all ads, run GetTextAds.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate
PromoteExperiment This example promotes an experiment, which permanently applies all the experiment changes made to its related ad groups, criteria and ads. To create an experiment, run AddExperiment.vb. Tags: ExperimentService.mutate
SetAdParameters This code example illustrates how to create a text ad with ad parameters. To add an ad group, run AddAdGroup.cs. To add a keyword, run run AddKeyword.cs. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate, AdParamService.mutate
SetBidModifier This code example sets a bid modifier for the mobile platform on given campaign. The campaign must be an enhanced type of campaign. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. To enhance a campaign, run SetCampaignEnhanced.cs. Tags: CampaignCriterionService.mutate
UpdateAdGroup This code example illustrates how to update an ad group, setting its status to 'PAUSED'. To create an ad group, run AddAdGroup.cs. Tags: AdGroupService.mutate
UpdateCampaign This code example updates a campaign. To get campaigns, run GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignService.mutate
UpdateKeyword This code example updates the bid of a keyword. To get keyword, run GetKeywords.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
UpdatePlacement This code example updates the bid of a placement. To get placement, run GetPlacements.cs. Tags: AdGroupCriterionService.mutate
UpgradeLegacySitelinks This code example migrates legacy sitelinks to upgraded sitelinks for a given list of campaigns. The campaigns must be upgraded to enhanced campaigns before you can run this example. To upgrade a campaign to enhanced, run CampaignManagement/SetCampaignEnhanced.cs. To get all campaigns, run BasicOperations/GetCampaigns.cs. Tags: CampaignAdExtensionService.get, CampaignAdExtensionService.mutate Tags: FeedService.mutate, FeedItemService.mutate Tags: FeedMappingService.mutate, CampaignFeedService.mutate
UpgradeLegacySitelinks.SiteLinksFeed Data structure to hold details about a Sitelink feed.
UploadImage This code example uploads an image. To get images, run GetAllVideosAndImages.cs. Tags: MediaService.upload
ValidateTextAd This code example shows how to use the validateOnly header to validate a text ad. No objects will be created, but exceptions will still be thrown. Tags: AdGroupAdService.mutate