C# (CSharp) FwRemoteDatabaseConnector Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CallContextExtensions Used to store the Ipaddress used instread of CallContext as CallContext data has different lifetime on mono compared to .NET.
ClientIPServerSink Implementation based upon code found at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527676/identifying-the-client-during-a-net-remoting-invocation Used by .NET remoting for db4oServerInfo, to provide access to IPAddress of clients. constructed in ClientIPServerSinkProvider.
ClientIPServerSinkProvider Implementation based upon code found at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527676/identifying-the-client-during-a-net-remoting-invocation Used by .NET remoting for db4oServerInfo, to provide access to IPAddress of clients. see remoting_tcp_server.config
Db4oServerInfo Singlton object that get created by .NET remoting.
Db4oServerInfo.RunningServerInfo Cached infomation about the db4o database servers that are running.
RemotingServer Manages the .NET remoting server configuration. This is not to be used by clients.