Имя | Описание |
AsyncValidatorBase | |
CreditCardValidator | Ensures that the property value is a valid credit card number. |
DelegatingValidator | |
EmailValidator | |
EnumValidator | |
EqualValidator | |
ExactLengthValidator | |
ExclusiveBetweenValidator | |
GreaterThanOrEqualValidator | |
GreaterThanValidator | |
InclusiveBetweenValidator | |
LengthValidator | |
LessThanOrEqualValidator | |
LessThanValidator | |
MaximumLengthValidator | |
MinimumLengthValidator | |
NoopPropertyValidator | |
NotNullValidator | |
NullValidator | |
PredicateValidator | |
PropertyValidator | |
PropertyValidatorContext | |
RegularExpressionValidator | |
ScalePrecisionValidator | Allows a decimal to be validated for scale and precision. Scale would be the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Precision would be the number of digits. It can be configured to use the effective scale and precision (i.e. ignore trailing zeros) if required. 123.4500 has an scale of 4 and a precision of 7, but an effective scale and precision of 2 and 5 respectively. |