C# (CSharp) FdoToolbox.Core.ETL.Operations Пространство имен


Имя Описание
BatchInsertEventArgs Batch insertion event information
FdoApplySchemaOperation Represents an operation that executes an FDO apply schema command
FdoBatchedOutputOperation Output pipeline operation with support for batch insertion
FdoCopySpatialContextOperation An ETL operation that copies spatial contexts from one data source to another
FdoCreateDataStoreOperation Represents an operation that executes an FDO create data store command
FdoDataValueConversionOperation An ETL operation that converts FDO data values
FdoDeleteOperation A delete ETL operation
FdoFeatureTableInputOperation A FdoFeatureTable input source
FdoFilteredOperation A pipeline operation that conditionally discards features sent to it
FdoFlattenGeometryOperation A pipeline operation that strips all Z and M ordinates from any geometries that pass through it.
FdoForceWkbOperation A pipeline operation that forces all input geometries to be WKB compliant
FdoInputOperation FDO input pipeline operation
FdoJoinOperation Perform a join between two sources
FdoJoinOperation.JoinBuilder Fluent interface to create joins
FdoOperationBase Represent a single operation that can occur during the ETL process
FdoOutputOperation Output pipeline operation
FdoSingleActionOperation Represents a operation that only executes once. The action to be executed is represented by the ParameterlessAction delegate, which is passed in externally
FdoSingleActionOperationBase Represents a base class of operations that execute only once
FdoSqlOutputOperation Output pipeline operation with support for SQL commands
OperationStatistics Contains the statistics for an operation