C# (CSharp) ExpressionParser Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ArithmeticOperator Arithmetic Operator Class providing evaluation services for "+-/*%" operators.
BoolOperand Operand corresponding to Boolean Type
ComparisonOperator Comparison Operator Class providing evaluation services for "==", "!=","<", "<=", ">", ">=" operators.
LogicalOperator Logical Operator Class providing evaluation services for && and || operators.
LongOperand Operand corresponding to the Long (Int32/Int64) datatypes.
Operand Base class for all Operands. Provides datastorage
Operator Base class of all operators. Provides datastorage
RPNParser Summary description for RPNParser.
RPN_Exception For the exceptions thrown by this module.
Token Represents each token in the expression
TokenEnumerator Enumerator to enumerate over the tokens.
Tokenizer Is the tokenizer which does the actual parsing of the expression.