C# (CSharp) Encog.Neural.NeuralData.Market Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
MarketDataDescription This class is used to describe the type of financial data that is needed. Each piece of data can be used for input, prediction or both. If used for input, it will be used as data to help predict. If used for prediction, it will be one of the values predicted. It is possible, and quite common, to use data from both input and prediction.
MarketError The base error for the market data set.
MarketNeuralDataSet A data set that is designed to hold market data. This class is based on the TemporalNeuralDataSet. This class is designed to load financial data from external sources. This class is designed to track financial data across days. However, it should be usable with other levels of granularity as well.
MarketPoint Hold one market datapoint. This class is based on the TemporalPoint, however it is designed to take its sequence number from a date.
TickerSymbol A ticker symbol. Holds the exchange and the symbol.