Имя |
Описание |
AccessErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses Microsoft Access as its backing store. |
ApplicationException |
AsyncResult |
Build |
CallerInfo |
Configuration |
ConnectionStringHelper |
Helper class for resolving connection strings. |
DataBinder |
Provides data expression evaluation facilites similar to System.Web.UI.DataBinder in ASP.NET. |
DbProviderFactoryQuery |
Debug |
Provides methods for assertions and debugging help that is mostly applicable during development. |
DelegatingDisposable |
DelegatingHttpHandler |
Environment |
Error |
ErrorDetailPage |
Renders an HTML page displaying details about an error from the error log. |
ErrorDisplay |
Provides miscellaneous formatting methods for |
ErrorFilterConfiguration |
ErrorFilterModule |
HTTP module implementation that logs unhandled exceptions in an ASP.NET Web application to an error log. |
ErrorFilterModule.AssertionHelperContext |
ErrorFilterSectionHandler |
Handler for the <errorFilter> section of the configuration file. |
ErrorHtmlPage |
Renders an HTML page displaying the detailed host-generated (ASP.NET) HTML recorded for an error from the error log. |
ErrorJson |
Responsible for primarily encoding the JSON representation of Error objects. |
ErrorJsonHandler |
Renders an error as JSON Text (RFC 4627). |
ErrorLogDataSourceAdapter |
Methods of this type are designed to serve an System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource control and are adapted according to expected call signatures and behavior. |
ErrorLogEntry |
ErrorLogModule |
HTTP module implementation that logs unhandled exceptions in an ASP.NET Web application to an error log. |
ErrorLogPage |
Renders an HTML page displaying a page of errors from the error log. |
ErrorLogPageFactory |
HTTP handler factory that dispenses handlers for rendering views and resources needed to display the error log. |
ErrorLoggedEventArgs |
ErrorMailEventArgs |
ErrorMailHtmlFormatter |
Formats the HTML to display the details of a given error that is suitable for sending as the body of an e-mail message. |
ErrorMailHtmlPage |
Renders an HTML page displaying details about an error from the error log ready for emailing. |
ErrorMailModule |
HTTP module that sends an e-mail whenever an unhandled exception occurs in an ASP.NET web application. |
ErrorPageBase |
Provides the base implementation and layout for most pages that render HTML for the error log. |
ErrorRssHandler |
Renders a XML using the RSS 0.91 vocabulary that displays, at most, the 15 most recent errors recorded in the error log. |
ErrorSignal |
ErrorSignalEventArgs |
ErrorTextFormatter |
Provides the base contract for implementations that render text-based formatting for an error. |
ErrorTweetModule |
HTTP module implementation that posts tweets (short messages usually limited to 140 characters) about unhandled exceptions in an ASP.NET Web application to a Twitter account. |
ErrorXml |
Responsible for encoding and decoding the XML representation of an Error object. |
ErrorXmlHandler |
Renders an error as an XML document. |
ExceptionFilterEventArgs |
FixIIS5xWildcardMappingModule |
HTTP module that resolves issues in ELMAH when wilcard mapping is implemented in IIS 5.x. |
FuzzyTime |
HelperResult |
Html |
HtmlLinkType |
User agents, search engines, etc. may interpret and use these link types in a variety of ways. For example, user agents may provide access to linked documents through a navigation bar. |
HtmlString |
HttpAsyncHandler |
HttpModuleBase |
Provides an abstract base class for IHttpModule that supports discovery from within partial trust environments. |
HttpModuleRegistry |
HttpModuleRegistry.Housekeeper |
HttpStatus |
HttpTextAsyncHandler |
JsonTextWriter |
Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating streams or files containing JSON Text according to the grammar rules laid out in RFC 4627. |
ManifestResourceHandler |
Reads a resource from the assembly manifest and returns its contents as the response entity. |
ManifestResourceHelper |
Mask |
Collection of utility methods for masking values. |
MasterPage |
MsAjaxDeltaErrorLogModule |
Module to log unhandled exceptions during a delta-update request issued by the client when a page uses the UpdatePanel introduced with ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions. |
MySqlErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses MySQL as its backing store. |
MySqlErrorLog.Commands |
NameValueCollectionSerializer |
OracleErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses Oracle as its backing store. |
OracleErrorLog.ProviderInfo |
PgsqlErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses PostgreSQL as its backing store. |
PgsqlErrorLog.Commands |
PoweredBy |
RavenDbErrorLog |
RazorTemplateBase |
RssXml |
SQLiteErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses SQLite as its backing store. |
SccAttribute |
SccStamp |
SecurityConfiguration |
ServiceCenter |
Central point for locating arbitrary services. |
ServiceContainer |
SimpleServiceProviderFactory |
A simple factory for creating instances of types specified in a section of the configuration file. |
SpeedBar |
SpeedBar.FormattedItem |
SpeedBar.Item |
SpeedBar.ItemTemplate |
SqlErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as its backing store. |
SqlErrorLog.AsyncResultWrapper |
An IAsyncResult implementation that wraps another. |
SqlErrorLog.Commands |
SqlServerCompactErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses SQL Server Compact 4 as its backing store. |
StringFormatter |
Helper class for formatting templated strings with supplied replacements. |
StringSeparatorStock |
StringTranslation |
Provides translation from multiple representations of a string to a single base representation. |
StyleSheetHelper |
TestException |
ThrottledErrorMailHtmlFormatter |
ThrottledErrorMailHtmlPage |
ThrottlingErrorMailModule |
TypeExtensions |
TypeResolution |
TypeResolutionArgs |
WebTemplateBase |
XmlFileErrorLog |
An ErrorLog implementation that uses XML files stored on disk as its backing store. |
XmlSerializer |
Serializes object to and from XML documents. |
XmlText |
XML 1.0 services. |