Имя |
Описание |
CommanderConfiguration |
Storage for the Commander Configs |
CompanionAppCredentials |
Storage of credentials for a single Elite: Dangerous user to access the Companion App |
CompanionAppService |
EliteDangerousCompanionAppAuthenticationException |
Exceptions thrown due to authentication errors |
EliteDangerousCompanionAppErrorException |
Exceptions thrown due to API errors |
EliteDangerousCompanionAppException |
Base class for exceptions thrown by the Elite:Dangerous companion app API |
EliteDangerousCompanionAppIllegalStateException |
Exceptions thrown due to illegal service state |
Profile |
Profile information returned by the companion app service |
RijndaelHelper |
ShipsConfiguration |
Storage of configuration for Elite: Dangerous ships as obtained by the Companion App |