C# (CSharp) ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources.Kml Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
FeatureDefinition Metadata storage for all elements in a KML file.
GroundOverlayDescriptor Metadata storage for each ground overlay, assigned by KML engine.
KMLStyle Internal representation of a KML style element.
KmlGraphicsLayer KML GraphicsLayer subclass for allowing legend based on the styles
KmlToFeatureDefinition Converts a KML document into a FeatureDefinition.
KmlToFeatureDefinition.DownloadStyleState This stores the state of the currently processed KML feature while its style information is downloaded from an external source.
KmlToFeatureDefinition.WaitHelper Helper class to wait for the end of styles downloads
LineSymbolDescriptor Concrete class for line geometry symbols.
NetworkLinkControl NetworkLinkControl infos
PlacemarkDescriptor Metadata storage for each placemark, assigned by KML engine.
PointSymbolDescriptor Concrete class for point geometry symbols.
PolygonSymbolDescriptor Concrete class for polygon geometry symbols.
SymbolDescriptor Abstract base class used for each type of symbol descriptor.
ZipFile Simple unzip utility leveraging Silverlight's GetResourceStream