C# (CSharp) Descent.GUI Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
GUIElement A single element of the user interface that, itself, can contain sub-elements
GUIElementFactory Responsible for creating the GUIElements for the different layers of the gui and for all the different states and roles in the game. This is done as a simple hierarchy of GUIElements and should be populated with logic (events on click) and Drawables to be displayed within the respective GUIElements in the tree.
Image The simplest possible Drawable that only implements the interface.
InputElement Takes input from the user and displays everything entered so far. The content can be deleted (character by character) by the backspace key and the value of a specific instance can be read (or set) statically by knowing the instance's key.
Text Information about a text to be displayed on the screen.