C# (CSharp) Decision.Common.Twitter.Cards Пространство имен


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AppTwitterCard The App Card is a great way to represent mobile applications on Twitter and to drive installs. The app card is designed to allow for a name, description and icon, and also to highlight attributes such as the rating and the price. This Card type is currently available on the twitter.com website, as well as iOS and Android mobile clients. It is not yet available on mobile web. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/app.
GalleryTwitterCard The Gallery Card allows you to represent collections of photos within a Tweet. This Card type is designed to let the user know that there’s more than just a single image at the URL shared, but rather a gallery of related images. You can specify up to 4 different images to show in the gallery card. You can also provide attribution to the photographer of the gallery by specifying the value of the creator tag. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/gallery.
PhotoTwitterCard The Photo Card puts the image front and center in the Tweet. Clicking on the photo expands it to a richer, detailed view. On twitter.com and mobile clients, the image appears below the tweet text. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/photo
PlayerTwitterCard Video clips and audio streams have a special place on the Twitter platform thanks to the Player Card. By implementing a few HTML meta tags to your website and following the Twitter Rules of the Road, you can deliver your rich media to users across the globe. Twitter must approve the use of the player card, find out more below. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/player
ProductTwitterCard The Product Card is a great way to represent product and retail items on Twitter. This Card type is designed to showcase your products via an image, a description, and allow you to highlight two other key details about your product. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/product
SummaryLargeImageTwitterCard The Summary Card with Large Image features a large, full-width prominent image alongside a tweet. It is designed to give the reader a rich photo experience, and clicking on the image brings the user to your website. On twitter.com and the mobile clients, the image appears below the tweet text. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/summary-large-image.
SummaryTwitterCard The Summary Card can be used for many kinds of web content, from blog posts and news articles, to products and restaurants. It is designed to give the reader a preview of the content before clicking through to your website. See https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types/summary.