Имя |
Описание |
Condition |
Constraint |
An abstract class for constraints. A constraint is a component of a constraint network. See Network for example programs to construct constraints and Add them to a constraint network. |
DefaultSolver |
A branch-and-bound solver. |
Domain |
Domains. This is an abstract class for domains. A domain ... |
Equals |
IntArith |
IntComparison |
IntFunc |
IntVariable |
Integer variables. |
LocalSearch |
A super class of local search solvers, and also an implementation of a random walk solver. Local search is an iterative procedure. It first finds an initial soluttion, and iteratively make a small change |
NotEquals |
Operation |
ParallelSolver |
ProcessTotals |
ProcessTotals class |
Relation |
Relation constraints. Possible combinations of two integer variables can be defined by a two-dimentional array of boolean values. |
Sequential |
SimulatedAnneallingSearch |
SA Solving Method |
Solution |
Solutions. Solutions are returned by {@linkplain Solver constraint solvers}. A solution consists of {@linkplain Domain domains} for variables and {@linkplain Code a code}. |
Solver |
An abstract class for constraint solvers. A solver is constructed with a {@linkplain Network constraint network} which is used by the solver to find solutions. Please note that any network can not be simultaneously shared by two different solvers. Solvers can be used in three typical ways. As a subroutine: {@link #FindFirst()}, {@link #FindBest()}, etc.Solution solution = solver.FindFirst(); As a handler caller: {@link #FindAll(ISolutionHandler handler)}, etc.solver.FindAll(new ISolutionHandler() { public synchronized void Solved(Solver solver, Solution solution) { ..... } }); As a coroutine: {@link #Start()}, {@link #WaitNext()}, {@link #Resume()}, {@link #Stop()}, etc.for (solver.Start(); solver.WaitNext(); solver.Resume()) { Solution solution = solver.getSolution(); ..... } solver.Stop(); |
Solver.HandlerInvoker |
TabooSearch |
Trail |
Variable |
Variables. A variable is a component of a {@linkplain Network constraint network}. A variable is constructed with an initial {@linkplain Domain domain} which specifies the set of Elements over which the variable ranges. See {@link Network} for example programs to construct variables and Add them to a constraint network. |