Имя |
Описание |
AsyncResponse |
Represents an asynchronous response. |
Category |
Represents a category. |
CategoryResponse |
Represents a category response with rate limit. |
CollectionCursors |
CollectionDestroyResult |
CollectionEntriesPosition |
CollectionEntriesResult |
CollectionEntryChange |
CollectionEntryOperationError |
CollectionObjects |
CollectionResponse |
CollectionsApiResult |
CollectionsListResult |
Configurations |
Represents the current configuration used by Twitter including twitter.com slugs which are not usernames, maximum photo resolutions, and t.co URL lengths. |
CoreTweetSupplement |
Provides extensions for objects of CoreTweet. |
DoubleUtf16Char |
Embed |
Represents an oEmbed representation of a Tweet. |
Entities |
Represents the metadata and additional contextual information about content posted on Twitter. |
Entity |
Error |
Represents the error response from Twitter. |
ExtendedTweetInfo |
Represents a Tweet rendered in Extended mode. |
Friendship |
Represents a frienship. |
InternalTimelineItem |
InternalTimelineTweet |
Language |
Represents a language code, name and status. |
List |
ListResponse |
Represents a collections of tweets, culled from a curated list of Twitter users with the rate limit. |
MediaEntity |
Represents a media object that contains the URLs, sizes and type of the media. |
MediaProcessingError |
MediaProcessingException |
Represents error in Twitter processing the media. |
MediaSize |
Represents the size of the MediaSizes. |
MediaSizes |
Represents the variations of the media. |
MediaUploadResult |
Represents the result of the uploaded media. |
OAuth |
OAuth.OAuthSession |
OAuth2 |
OAuth2Token |
The OAuth2 token, which is usually used for Application-only authentication. |
ParsingException |
Exception when parsing. |
ProcessingInfo |
ProfileBannerSize |
Represents a size of a profile banner. |
ProfileBannerSizes |
Represents the variations of a size of a profile banner. |
RateLimit |
Represents the rate limits for a resource family. |
Relationship |
Represents a relationship with another user. |
RelationshipSource |
Represents a frienship. |
RelationshipTarget |
Represents a frienship. |
Request |
Sends a request to Twitter and some other web services. |
SearchQuery |
SearchQueryResponse |
Represents a saved search query used in the Twitter Search API with the rate limit. |
Setting |
Represents the settings including current trend, geo and sleep time information. |
SleepTime |
Represents the sleep time of the user's location. |
Source |
Resolved source field |
StringResponse |
Represents the Twitter Terms of Service. |
SymbolEntity |
Represents a symbol object that contains a symbol in the content posted on Twitter. |
TextPart |
A part of text. |
TimeZone |
Gets or sets the timezone of the user. |
Timeline |
TimelineEntry |
TimelineInfo |
TimelineResponse |
Tokens |
Represents the OAuth tokens. |
TwitterException |
Exception throwed by Twitter. |
TwitterParameterAttribute |
UploadChunkedProgressInfo |
Contains status information on the progress of Rest.Media.UploadChunkedAsync(System.IO.Stream, UploadMediaType, object, System.Threading.CancellationToken, System.IProgress{UploadChunkedProgressInfo}). |
UploadFinalizeCommandResult |
UploadInitCommandResult |
Represents the result of INIT command. |
UploadProgressInfo |
Contains status information on the progress of a POST request. |
UploadedImage |
Represents the detail data of the uploaded image. |
UploadedVideo |
Represents the detail data of the uploaded video. |
UrlEntity |
Represents a URL object that contains the string for display and the raw URL. |
User |
UserEntities |
Represents an entity object for user. |
UserMentionEntity |
Represents a mention object that contains the user information. |
UserResponse |
Represents a user response with rate limit. |
VideoInfo |
Represents a video_info object which is included by a video or animated GIF entity. |
VideoVariant |
Represents a variant of the video. |