C# (CSharp) Composable.Windsor Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
DefaultToKeyHandlerSelector When multiple registrations to the same type are made this HandlerSelector defaults selection to the one with the specified key (instead of the default Windsor behavior of defaulting to the first registered service) Use it by adding it to the container at wire-up with container.Kernel.AddHandlerSelector(new DefaultToKeyHandlerSelector(typeof([ComponentType]),"defaultKey"));
KeyReplacementHandlerSelector When multiple registrations to the same type are made this HandlerSelector returns the service registered with the 'replacementKey' when the container is asked for a service with 'originalKey' Use it by adding it to the container at wire-up with container.Kernel.AddHandlerSelector(new KeyReplacementHandlerSelector(typeof([ComponentType]),"originalKey", "replacementKey"));
LifestyleRegistrationMutator Add this mutator to the Container using container.Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder.AddContributor(new LifestyleRegistrationMutator()); in order to allow PerWebRequest lifestyled Components to be treated as Scoped instead (this makes it work with NServiceBus and unit test)