C# (CSharp) Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Helpers Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ApplicationManifest Represents the contents of the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestAppNode Represents the app detailed information in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestBackgroundServiceAgentNode Represents a background service agent in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestDefaultTaskNode Represents a default task in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestExtendedTaskNode Represents an extended task in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestIconPathNode Represents the location of the app icon that is visible in the app list.
ApplicationManifestLanguageNode Represents a language in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestNamedNode Represents a named node in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestTaskNodeBase Represents a task in the application manifest.
ApplicationManifestTokenNode Represents a token in the application manifest.
ChunkedStream Creates a stream that helps dividing data in fixed size chunks.
LittleWatson This object registers a raised exception information and allows the user to send the information thru e-mail.
MarketplaceAppCapabilitiesNode Represents the application capabilities information.
MarketplaceAppCapabilityNode Represents an application capability information.
MarketplaceAppCategoryNode Represents an application category information.
MarketplaceAppContentNode Represents an application content information.
MarketplaceAppEntryNode Represents the contents of the application entry information from the marketplace.
MarketplaceAppHwCapabilityNode Represents an application hardware capability information.
MarketplaceAppImageNode Represents an application image information.
MarketplaceAppNode Represents the contents of the application information from the marketplace.
MarketplaceAppOfferNode Represents the contents of the application offer information from the marketplace.
MutexLock Allows for inter-process locking and synchronization.
NamescopeBinding Allows binding of objects in a different XAML namescope.