C# (CSharp) Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Helpers Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AbstractHelper Optional base class for helpers. Extend from this class only if your helpers needs a reference to the controller which is using it or if you need to use one of the protected utility methods.
AjaxHelper MonoRail Helper that delivers AJAX capabilities.
BehaviourHelper Exposes the functionality available on the Behaviour js library which Uses css selectors to bind javascript code to DOM elements
DateFormatHelper Simple helper for date formatting
DictHelper Helper used to create IDictionary instances
DynamicDispatchSupport DynamicDispatch support is an infrastructure that mimics a dynamic language/environment. It is not finished but the idea is to allow plugins to add operations to the generators.
EffectsFatHelper Just apply the CSS class "fade" to any element and it will fade from yellow to its background color or white if none is specified.

Key Features
* Fade an infinite number of elements.
* No inline JavaScript. Simply give an element a class of "fade", the script does the rest "automagically".
* Background color aware. FAT will do better than simply fade to white if the element (or it's parents) have a CSS background color, it will fade to that background color instead.
* Fade from any color. For example, if you wanted a list of error messages to fade out from red you would simply give the list a class of "fade-FF0000".
* Super smooth fading. By default, elements will fade at 30 frames per second (the same rate as a television) over 3 seconds. You can adjust this to any framerate and any duration. You could easily fade elements at 60 frames per second over 4, 5, 10 seconds!

FormHelper The FormHelper allows you to output html input elements using the conventions necessary to use the DataBinder on the server side. Ultimately it allows you do to a bi-directional binding -- if used properly.
FormHelper.CheckboxList This class is an enumerable list of checkboxes. It uses the OperationState to manage the sets and to control the check/uncheck state.
FormHelper.DataRowValueGetter Implementation of ValueGetter to access DataRow's value
FormHelper.DataRowViewValueGetter Implementation of ValueGetter to access DataRowView's value
FormHelper.EnumValueGetter Implementation of ValueGetter to access enum fields
FormHelper.NoActionGetter Empty implementation of a ValueGetter
FormHelper.ReflectionValueGetter Implementation of ValueGetter that uses reflection to access values
FormHelper.ValueGetter Abstracts the approach to access values on objects.
FormHelper.ValueGetterAbstractFactory Abstract factory for ValueGetter implementations
HtmlHelper Provides usefull common methods to generate HTML tags.
PrototypeHelper.JSCollectionGenerator Implementation of IJSCollectionGenerator
PrototypeHelper.JSElementGenerator Implementation for the IJSElementGenerator
PrototypeHelper.JSGenerator Pendent
ScriptaculousHelper Exposes the effect script from Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
ValidationHelper Helper that provides client-side validation.
WizardHelper Provide useful helpers to be used in a layout view or in the wizards steps views.
ZebdaHelper MonoRail Helper that delivers Zebda validation capabilities.