C# (CSharp) CSharpImageLibrary.Headers Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AbstractHeader Base header class for image headers.
BMP_Header Provides information given by BMP headers.
BMP_Header.BMPDIBHeader Detailed image header.
BMP_Header.BMPFileHeader File header for BMP file. Contains general file information such as size and data offset.
DDS_Header Contains header information about a DDS File.
DDS_Header.DDS_DXGI_DX10_Additional Additional header used by DXGI/DX10 DDS'.
DDS_Header.DDS_PIXELFORMAT Contains information about DDS Pixel Format.
GIF_Header Provides information given by GIF file header. Mostly from http://giflib.sourceforge.net/whatsinagif/bits_and_bytes.html
JPG_Header Contains information about a JPG image.
PNG_Header Contains information about a PNG file header.
PNG_Header.PNGChunk Header Chunk containing specific PNG header information.
TGA_Header Reads the header of a Targa (TGA) image.
TIFF_Header Information about a TIFF image.
TIFF_Header.ImageFileDirectory Local header of image page. Essentially a mipmap header, except these "mipmaps" have no restrictions i.e. They don't have to be related to the first image at all e.g. scanned pages from a scanner.