Имя |
Описание |
BucketPerformanceResult |
A Data Transfer Object to contain the output of a bucket spending analysis. |
BurnDownChartAnalyser |
BurnDownChartAnalyserResult |
BurnDownCharts |
A data class used to store compiled results for a series of charts. Primarily a collection of BurnDownChartAnalyserResult that describes each chart and some overarching meta-data for all charts. |
BurnDownChartsBuilder |
CustomAggregateBurnDownGraph |
A data storage to store a burn down graph that combines multiple buckets. |
CustomBurnDownChartApplicationState |
An application state Dto to persist custom burn down chart user preferences. |
DatedGraphPlot |
A data storage class to store one single plot on a two dimensional graph. Where the x axis is a Date line and the y axis is a monetary amount. |
GraphData |
A data storage class to store graph data. One instance of this class can store multiple lines/series for a graph. |
LedgerBucketHistoryAnalyser |
A analyser to build the aggregated graph data for the Bucket History graph. |
LongTermSpendingTrendAnalyser |
OverallPerformanceBudgetAnalyser |
OverallPerformanceBudgetResult |
A class to store the analysis result data for the Overall Performance chart. |
ReportTransaction |
Represents a simple stripped down transaction to use in reporting. |
ReportTransactionWithRunningBalance |
A simple transaction for reporting purposes with a running balance. |
SeriesData |
A data storage class to represent one series on a graph, ie a single line on a graph. This class effectively wraps a List of dates and amounts. |