C# (CSharp) BudgetAnalyser.Engine.Ledger Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
BankBalance A bank balance for an account.
BankBalanceAdjustmentTransaction A transaction type exclusively for Bank Balance adjustments. This type has an account to identify which bank account it applies to.
BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction A Ledger Transaction that represents a budgeted amount being credited to a ledger bucket.
LedgerEntry A single entry on a LedgerColumn for a date (which comes from the LedgerEntryLine). This instance can contain one or more LedgerTransactions defining all movements for this BudgetBucket for this date. Possible transactions include budgeted 'saved up for expenses' credited into this LedgerColumn and all statement transactions that are debitted to this budget bucket ledger.
LedgerEntryLine This represents the horizontal row on the LedgerBook that crosses all LedgerColumns for a date. Each LedgerEntry must have a reference to an instance of this.
ReconciliationConsistencyChecker This class is responsible for validating that changes were made during a reconciliation that did not alter the Ledger Book in an inappropriate and invalid way.
ReconciliationResult The result of a Month End Reconciliation.
SavedUpForLedger A Ledger Bucket that allows funds to accumulate from month to month. Only spending or Ledger Book Transfers will remove funds from this ledger.
SpentMonthlyLedger A Ledger Bucket that does not allow funds to accumulate at the end of the month. Any excess funds if not spent, will be transfered to Surplus.
SurplusLedger A special system ledger bucket to represent surplus funds available for surplus spending in the Ledger Book.
ToDoTask A task item for use with the ToDoCollection.
TransferFundsCommand An object to encapsulate all necessary data to perform a transfer operation in a LedgerEntry.
TransferTask A To Do Task that represents a need to manually perform a transfer in order to balance the ledger buckets.