C# (CSharp) Brunet.Security Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
BroadcastRevocationHandler A certificate handler for GroupVPN, provides the ability to revoke certificates by username alone rather then revoking individual certificates.
Certificate This represents an X509 certificate in a more usable format for our system.
CertificateHandler .NET provides a very complicated (and complete) x509 Certificate handler. We do not require all those features and we also embed data that we use for quick retrieval that wouldn't be easy to reproduce using that framework. This model can be used on non-x509 certificate models and perhaps even abstract to support handshakes on pre-shared keys. In our system, certificate's serial numbers are equivalent to the data common to a certificate request and signed certificate, so that the model can support self-signed CAs. Thus a cert.SerialNumber == hash(cert.ca.unsigned data). This class is thread-safe.
CertificateMaker This class is used to make signing certificates easier. The other method is to use the OpenSSL stack, which this has been verified to work with.
DataPacket Just an abstract packet class. This is thread-safe.
DistinguishedName This provide a parsing wrapper around Distinguished names.
NullEncryption Provides a Null SymmetricAlgorithm, its blazing fast! Typically, these classes are not thread-safe, but since the block size is 1 and there is no history, it is thread-safe.
NullHash Provides a Null HashAlgorithm, its blazing fast! Typically, these classes are not thread-safe, but the block-size is 1, there is no history, and the result is always an empty byte array.
SecurityAssociation This is the brains of the security system. Each SecurityAssociation represents a Secure connection via an ISender, such that two different ISenders would need their own SecurityAssociation.
SecurityDataMessage Parses and creates SecurityDataMessages. In general this class is not thread-safe.
SecurityPolicy Each SP supports a specific SymmetricAlgorithm and HashAlgorithm. This class is thread-safe.
SymmetricEncryption This wraps SymmetricAlgorithm to be better supported for lossy communication. This class is not thread-safe.
UserRevocationMessage A revocation message creator and parser.
WriteOnceX509 Because X509Certificates provided by Mono do not have value based hashcodes, we had to implement this special class that compares the Raw Data of a certificate. This class is thread-safe.