C# (CSharp) Box2D.Collision.Shapes Пространство имен


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ChainShape A chain shape is a free form sequence of line segments. The chain has two-sided collision, so you can use inside and outside collision. Therefore, you may use any winding order. Since there may be many vertices, they are allocated using Alloc. Connectivity information is used to create smooth collisions. WARNING The chain will not collide properly if there are self-intersections.
CircleShape A circle shape.
EdgeShape A line segment (edge) shape. These can be connected in chains or loops to other edge shapes. The connectivity information is used to ensure correct contact normals.
MassData This holds the mass data computed for a shape.
PolygonShape A convex polygon shape. Polygons have a maximum number of vertices equal to _maxPolygonVertices. In most cases you should not need many vertices for a convex polygon.
Shape A shape is used for collision detection. You can create a shape however you like. Shapes used for simulation in World are created automatically when a Fixture is created. Shapes may encapsulate a one or more child shapes.