Имя |
Описание |
Catchment |
The impervious drainage area upstream of a facility |
Facility |
Class representing a stormwater mananagement facility |
Form1 |
Hydrograph |
Contains a hydrograph, which is a series of points representing a flow rate over time. |
ListExtensions |
PacExecutor |
Primary class for executing PAC calculations. |
PacResults |
An object containing the results of a PAC calculation. |
Program |
Project |
RainfallEvent |
Defines a rainfall event for use in the hydrology calculations |
ReservoirRouter |
Contains the reservour routing calculations for analzying stormwater facilty performance |
SantaBarbaraUrbanHydrograph |
Contains SBUH hydrology calcutions |
SlopedFacility |
SlopedFacilitySegment |
SlopedFacilityWorksheet |
StormEventResults |
Contains PAC results for a single storm event |