C# (CSharp) Azavea.Open.DAO.Exceptions Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AlreadyTerminatedException This exception is thrown when trying to close or finish something that has already been closed or finished (I.E. committing a transaction more than once).
BadConnectionTypeException This exception is thrown when the connection you have is wrong for what you're trying to do.
BadDaoConfigurationException This is the type of exception thrown by DAO methods when unable to read their config (or the values in it make no sense).
DaoTypeCoercionException This is the type of exception thrown by CoerceType.
DaoUnsupportedTypeCoercionException This is a specialized subtype of the coerce exception, thrown when you attempt to convert a value to an unsupported type.
ExceptionWithConnectionInfo This exception type is constructed with the database connection string as part of the message.
TransactionsNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when trying to use a transaction with a connection that doesn't support them.
UnableToConnectException This exception is thrown when we are unable to connect to a database.
UnableToConstructSqlException This exception is thrown when we are unable to construct a SQL statement, possibly due to bad values, expression types that are not supported, etc.
UnableToCreateTransactionException This exception is thrown when we are unable to begin a transaction.
UnableToProcessSqlResultsException This exception is thrown when something went wrong while dealing with what we got back from the database query, not with the database query itself.
UnableToRunSqlException This exception is thrown when we are able to connect to a DB, but we get an exception executing a SQL statement.
UnexpectedResultsException This exception is thrown when we got something back that was incorrect, such as wrong data fields, or wrong number of results, etc.